The front cover, designed by Mike Gerkovich and Bonnie Brenda Scott
Recently, we had a copy of Space 1026's awesome new book Today is Our Day floating around the office. It's been getting a lot of exposure on the blog circuit, and for good reason. It was hand printed and bound at Space in an edition of 150, with each page featuring artwork from a different member.
There are plenty more pictures available on the Space 1026 Flickr, but definitely check this one out in person. It's a steal at $50 from the Space 1026 Store, and it makes a fine addition to any artist book collection.
Oh and here's the list of participating artists: Michael Gerkovich, Bonnie Brenda Scott, Matt Leines, Alex Lukas, Bill McRight, Crystal Stokowski, Jacob Marcinek, Ben Woodward, Anni Altshur, Leah Mackin, Emilia Brintnall, James Ulmer, Kay Healy, Roman Hasiuk, Justin Myer-Staller, Clint Woodside, Kyle Schmidt, Thom Lessner, Chris Kline, Jason Hsu and Andrew Jeffrey Wright